4 Plants to Increase Your Defenses

The immune system can be altered for various reasons, for example, with changes in the weather, exposure to pollution, stress, poor diet...

There are some signals that the body gives to know if your defenses are low, for example, if you have had several colds in a row. The immune system is a first wall of defense against viruses and bacteria that try to invade your body.

Is a medicinal plant belonging to the daisy family, highly recommended and widely used to increase defenses and relieve pain and infections. It has antibiotic, antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties.

Is a bioflavonoid with many health benefits, including antioxidant, antitumor and helps protect against infections. It also works well as a support for allergy treatment.

Is a root, from the same family as ginger and cardamom. Curcumin, its main active ingredient, is a potent anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and antibacterial. It is used to alleviate various disorders, such as joint or digestive disorders, and at the same time, it is a powerful stimulant of the immune system. Turmeric powder is very useful if you do not have the fresh root at hand, to make infusions or add to food. You can also buy it in capsule or tablet form.

The king of immune system stimulants, it is well known and widely used. It is also used, like turmeric, to improve digestive disorders. You can take it alone, grated in infusions or in some dishes. One of the most practical ways to take it is through ginger infusions, although it is also available in capsule form.

In addition to these plants, we recommend you to follow a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, which will provide you with minerals and vitamins necessary for the proper functioning of your defenses. These supplements help in the context of a healthy lifestyle, if you have any doubts about how to use them in your case, consult your doctor.