5 Plants To Keep Mosquitoes Away

Today I want to share with you five of my favorite plants that are experts in keeping mosquitoes at bay. Yes, you read that right, these plants are not only beautiful, but they are also natural mosquito repellents!

Citronella is one of my favorite mosquito-repellent plants. Its citrusy and fresh aroma is a real turn-off for these insects. Plus, it's so easy to grow in pots or in the garden!

Rosemary is not only a delight in the kitchen, but it's also an excellent mosquito repellent. Enjoy its aroma and repellent properties by planting it in your garden!

Lavender not only smells amazing, but it also keeps mosquitoes away! Place some pots of lavender around your outdoor space to enjoy its relaxing aroma and repel those pesky insects.

Who doesn't love fresh basil in their dishes? But that's not all it can do! Basil is also a natural mosquito repellent. Add some pots of basil to your garden and enjoy its double benefits!

Last but not least is mint. This aromatic herb is not only refreshing in your drinks and dishes, but it also keeps mosquitoes away! Place some pots of mint around your outdoor area to enjoy a mosquito-free garden!

These are the five plants that not only beautify your garden but also help you keep those annoying mosquitoes at bay! I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!