Growing A Small Space Vegetable Garden.

Find a sunny spot big enough for a few pots and a variety of fresh vegetables can be yours.

Small Space, Big Rewards

There's no shortage of reasons to start a vegetable garden. In addition to producing a delicious bounty for your family and friends, there are numerous additional benefits. It's cost-effective, healthy and it's a great family activity. As you learn more about gardening and enjoy the outdoors, you can also share learning experiences and create memories for your children. Follow these steps to be on your way to a vegetable harvest, even if you're short on space.

First, assess your ambition and decide how big a garden you really want. When you first look, it's best to start small. The more sun, the better. Be sure to choose a spot in your yard that gets at least six hours of sunlight per day. Family, As for the soil, make sure your soil is well aerated to promote root growth and worm activity.

Now you can choose what you want to grow and whether you want to grow seeds or starter plants. Consider what grows best in your area and the space you have allotted. If you plant seeds, the package will have clear instructions. Just remember that starting from seeds will take longer than starter plants to produce vegetables.

Once you've decided what to plant, you can assess the space required for each by noting the instructions that come with your seeds or starter plants.

Your plants should only be kept moist while they are seedlings. Once your seedlings have true, family leaves, watering and feeding should also be a regular routine. Aim for the base of the plant when watering and feeding. Use Plant Force+ to give it the nutrients it lacks for a true crop.

Between planting and harvest, your vegetable garden will require a little extra care. Weeds compete with your vegetables, stealing nutrients, water and sunlight, so you want to keep them out.