How to Plant Sunflowers

Family, one of the most beautiful flowers in the world is the Sunflower, and we should know how to plant it, as we explain in this blog below. Wujuu…

The Sunflower is a flower known for its vibrant yellow color. Family, this flower is so unique that its significant color is associated with joy, intelligence, and originality. It's also known for its size and height. You can plant this flower in a pot or in your garden with ease. Here, we'll provide a step-by-step guide on how to plant sunflowers.

Whether you plant your sunflower in a pot or in the ground, it's essential to note that this is a tall-growing plant, exceeding two meters, and in some cases, it can reach up to four meters. On the other hand, Sunflowers don't branch out. They have a single, tall, and vertical stem from which the leaves grow, and at the top of this stem, the flower blooms. Furthermore, the most famous characteristic of this flower is heliotropism, the ability to always face the direction of the sun, from which the plant derives its name.

Now, let's see how to plant it in a pot. Wujuuu…


When it comes to planting sunflowers in a pot, make sure to place this beauty on a balcony or terrace with ample exposure to the sun to support the plant's growth.

Because the root system is proportional to the height of the stem in a regular sunflower, you would need a pot as big as the love you want to offer it.

I must tell you that there are also dwarf varieties that reach about 30 cm in height and are more suitable for terrace cultivation.

At the base of the pot, it's necessary to put gravel or expanded clay to ensure proper drainage in case of excessive watering.

Water your potted sunflower regularly, without overdoing the amount of water. If you have PLANT FORCE+, don't hesitate to use it to nourish your plant, and voila, you'll only have to enjoy the process.

Well, family, I hope you've enjoyed and learned something new in this blog. See you in another one, and always remember to plant with love. See you…