The Ultimate Trick for Watering Indoor Plants

Family, all this time you've been doing it wrong: the watering can distributes moisture unevenly and often wets the leaves, promoting rot. What's the trick for watering indoor plants? It's immersion watering, which allows you to keep the soil moist for weeks.

It's curious that something as fundamental as watering indoor plants is systematically done wrong. We insist on using the watering can, filling saucers and placing them under the pot so that the soil absorbs... In reality, and except for a few exceptions, the best trick for watering indoor plants, used by most florists in their businesses, is immersion watering, which ensures the necessary moisture for several weeks and avoids waterlogging and plant rot.

Indoor plants often die from what's called "too much love". That is, we insist on providing more and more water at the slightest problem. If the leaf looks a bit droopy: water. If the plant seems to be yellowing..., well, water too. And in the end, the root ends up rotting, and the specimen dies. It's easier to solve lack of water than excess, so the best advice in watering indoor plants would be: when in doubt, don't water.

In this trick I'm going to share with you for watering indoor plants, you can use a bucket. Alternatively, you can use the bathtub. It's best to choose a day to water all the plants in the house to avoid wasting water or making a mess. Fill the bucket or bathtub and immerse the pot in it. Very important: do not force it to sink into the water, hold on a bit and let the moisture from the soil sink the pot to the bottom.

¿How long should we leave the pot in the water? Until the plant stops "talking". Because plants do talk to us, we just have to listen to them. In this case, the air bubbles remaining inside the root ball will speak to us. As water enters and air exits, we'll see bubbles in the water, which can even last several minutes. When hardly any bubbles come out anymore, we can remove the pot.

The third step is to hold the pot in the air and let the excess water drip back into the bucket. We have to wait as long as necessary until the drip is very small. Then, we can put it on its saucer. It's best to wait another 15 minutes and check the saucer: if the excess water has filled it, it needs to be emptied. It's important that there's no water left in the saucer to avoid rot.