What is Perlite or Natural
Arlite Used for in Gardening?

Perlite or arlite for plants is a material for plant substrates. It is pH-neutral and inert, and it is significant as it is a small-sized rock characterized by its earthy tones.
It is widely used in gardening because it helps improve soil aeration and drainage, thus preventing root condensation and waterlogging.

What is perlite or arlite used for?

People often find that using perlite for plants is quite straightforward. It is most commonly used in vegetable gardens and gardens, primarily as a propagation substrate. However, given its numerous benefits, it can be tailored to meet individual needs.

The most common uses for perlite in gardening are:

Advantages of perlite:

Perlite is a mineral that comes with a series of advantages such as...