What you Didn´t Know About the
Beautiful Cactus

They are a symbol of Resilience, Protection, and

Have you ever given or been given a beautiful cactus as a gift? According to feng shui, it's a very special detail; take care of it.

Cactus are astonishing desert plants with their spiky structures and unique forms. Beyond their beautiful and distinctive appearance, cactus have acquired a symbolic meaning beyond your imagination. They represent qualities like resilience, protection, and adaptation, offering valuable lessons for your incredible life just by observing them, people.

1. Resilience: These beauties are known to thrive in hostile and desert environments where water is scarce and temperatures are extremely high. Their ability to survive in such arid conditions has linked them to resilience... incredible, right? I love it because cactus remind us that even when we face difficult and challenging situations, we have the capacity to adapt and find ways to flourish. Did you know that some cactus only bloom once a year for a few hours? You're very fortunate if you've witnessed such a magnificent event.

2. Protection and self-defense: They protect themselves from animal bites with their thorns. Here, I realize they teach us about the importance of self-care.

3. Adaptation to a changing environment: The cactu's capacity to adapt to their surroundings is impressive. They can store water in their tissues to survive during long periods of drought and grow irregularly to maximize sunlight absorption. Wow, I've seen some cactus take very peculiar shapes while seeking light. They also teach us that flexibility and a willingness to change are crucial to thriving in an ever-evolving world. FUN FACT: When we are flexible, we adapt, and when we are rigid, we tend to break.

4. Beauty in authenticity: Family, even though they might lack the showy flowers of other plants, their uniqueness and beauty lie in their distinctive appearance and being AUTHENTIC, as well as how they have evolved to survive in their habitat. This authenticity invites us to appreciate diversity in all its forms and to find beauty in what makes us unique.

Today, I invite you to always enjoy and emerge victorious as the cactus does. Gift yourself or someone else one of these beautiful plants that always make the environment around you look AUTHENTIC.