Why Have a Biodiverse Garden

Hey, family, let me tell you that the main reason for having a garden is to enjoy real flavors cultivated in an eco-friendly manner, ensuring not only good health but also tasty ingredients for our kitchen and greater sustainability.

In this sense, we propose that your garden be biodiverse, which is simpler than it seems. It involves seeking a balance in our garden space, a harmony that will not only favor the development of our crops but also promote more abundant harvests.

The biodiverse garden is the foundation of organic farming. It seeks balances between plants, attracting certain insects and repelling pests. Moreover, it encourages the coexistence of different crops with different nutrient needs, ensuring they do not compete with each other – isn't it amazing?

Let me tell you that to maintain this wonderful natural balance, a biodiverse garden avoids the use of chemicals. Aromatic plants like Basil, Calendula, or Rosemary, selected according to the crops, act as ornamental pest repellents. It's also crucial to attract useful insects that aid in pollination and control certain pests.

Family, opting for biodiversity not only contributes to a healthier garden but also signifies your commitment to the environment. Do your part and turn your garden into a self-sufficient little ecosystem!